
Welcome to my blog; an occasional update to things happening in my life.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh Grandma! They Were Just Gathering Dust!

I'm sure some folks will be horrified to see Grandma's old teacups transformed into bird feeders.  I saw these somewhere and thought they would be a great addition to our products.

The bird feeders are fashioned from mismatched (usually), orphaned and discarded teacups from thrift stores. 

Where I live, we sadly cannot use bird feeders because they attract unwanted wildlife such as bears.  One of those critters would not be coming for tea when they smell this!

To buy one, go to:  http://www.mumscreations.com/tebife.html

By the way, if you have any old teacups lying around, I'd like to talk to you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

All in a Day's Work

I've found a new way to display some of the vintage images I've been collecting.  I particularly like the old paintings of women from the early 1900s doing somewhat untraditional activities.

I have created three different notecard collections:  Summer Women, Winter Women and Sad Puppies.

Each set of 20 cards and envelopes is packaged in a keepsake metal tin and sell for $25 a set.

See more here .